how to clean a burnt soup maker

Quick Fix: How to Clean a Burnt Soup Maker

When making soup, things may not always go to plan. When things go awry, the worst thing that could happen is the soup burning.

If this happens, there are a few ways to deal with it. To properly clean your soup maker, you can go about it in a couple of ways. We will discuss the right way to clean your soup maker.

Proper cleaning of a burnt soup maker is essential in its maintenance. This is also key in making sure that you get good soup every time you make some and avoid contamination. Read on to find out how to clean a burnt soup maker.

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Clean a Burnt Soup Maker

Cleaning burnt food can be one of the most laborious tasks to do. However, if done right, it is more straightforward. When it comes to cleaning a soup maker, you need a few things. These supplies include:

Step 1: Hot Water

Gently and carefully add boiling hot water to your soup maker. This water should be at a depth of 10 centimetres or more if the soup maker is severely burnt.

The hot water helps to remove the burnt food. Once you add the hot water, let it sit for at least 30 minutes.

Step 2: Add Baking Soda or Biological Washing Powder

When the boiling water has loosened the burnt food, add a full cup of biological washing powder to the water, then mix with a spoon to form a cleaning solution. This allows it to reach all the nooks and crannies in the maker.

Step 3: Soak Overnight

With the solution in the soup maker, set it aside. Let it soak overnight for it to work effectively.

Once soaking is done, use a scrubbing brush or a non-scouring washing pad and gently scrub off any residue left sticking to the soup maker.

Repeat this cleaning method to remove burnt-on food at the bottom of the soup maker. Avoid applying too much pressure on the heating element.

Step 4: Rinsing

After scrubbing down the soup maker and all the burnt-on food is off, it is time to rinse it down. To properly do this, grab it on either side to prevent it from sliding.

Next, gently pour out the washing solution from the soup maker down the sink or drain.

With clean tap water, rinse the inside and outside thoroughly. Ensure no residues are left from the biological washing powder or burnt soup.

Place it on a grill rack to dry. Once it is dry, store it away from dust and moisture. Avoid putting water directly into any electrical opening when rinsing, including the plug. Also, be careful with the heating element.

If you are not sure about putting the soup maker under running water, you can always use a jug to pour water when rinsing.

Preventing Soups From Burning or Sticking in the Soup Maker

Prevention is better than cure, so it is better than scrubbing burnt soup from the bottom of a soup maker.

While cleaning a burnt soap maker is not the worst thing in the world, here are a couple of tips that will keep your soup from burning.

Liquid to Solid Ratio

When making your soup, the ratio between your solid ingredients and your stock or water is important. This ratio determines how long you have before the liquid evaporates, leaving behind dry solid ingredients.

Make sure that you have a sufficient amount of liquid to prevent burning. You may want to adjust the recipe depending on the solid content.

If your recipe calls for one cup of water when not using potatoes, and you add potatoes, you might want to add one more cup of water. This is because potatoes soak up a lot of water. Adding more water to recipes is necessary, especially when using starchy ingredients like baked beans and potatoes.


Soup makers, like most household appliances, function on order. You may be tempted to put in your solid ingredients before the stock when making soup.

While this is considered the proper way, it may just be what is causing your soup to burn. Solid food items like potatoes and other starchy foods are quick to stick to the bottom of your cooking appliance. To avoid this, you should consider adding your liquid content before the solids.


There is a rule of thumb that applies when using a soup maker – never open the lid of any maker during a cooking cycle.

This means you have no flexibility to stir your soup when cooking. Therefore, you have to stir it before the cooking process begins.

Stirring prevents the solid chunks from sitting and sticking to the bottom of the soup maker.

The Thickness of the Sauces

carrot ginger recipe

Adding sauces to soups is not unheard of. Sauces like tomato paste or puree are a go-to for many people. You, however, need to remember that while these thick sauces help in thickening your soup, they also reduce the liquid content in the process.

This results in a thick paste-like soup forming at the bottom of the soup maker, causing it to burn. To avoid this burning problem, ensure that the sauce is always diluted before adding it to the soup.

Using the Right Temperature

Just like cooking using a saucepan, the temperature applied is key in how your soup turns out. High temperatures may lead to the burning of the soup, and low temperatures may cause undercooking.

Ensure that you set your temperature just right.

To a Burn-Free Soup Pot

Well, that’s all for today’s guide. Remember that the cleaning process only requires three key ingredients – hot water, baking soda, and time. Let us not forget elbow grease if the burnt bits are stubborn to remove.

That being said, ensure that you never wash your soup maker with any harsh chemicals. We hope that the above cleaning method will leave your burnt maker sparkling in no time, allowing you to prepare your favourite recipes.

Knowing how to clean a burnt soup maker is an important skill to have. So have you ever cleaned a burnt soup maker before? Do you have any useful tricks? Please let us know!

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